Working with Europe
Supporting the creation of innovative projects and partnerships across Europe

the Working with Europe mission
Creating real educational innovation based on European funding is attractive for many organisations across Europe; however European funding has become increasingly competitive and complicated.
Very many organisations – from schools to chambers of commerce and municipalities – do not feel able to address European funding in a qualified way.
These organisations would like to create European innovation, but they need considerable help, support and guidance.
Working with Europe was precisely created to deliver such help, support and guidance to our partners in Catalonia and across Europe and on very fair and favourable conditions.
The Working with Europe mission is to help partner organisations create innovative ideas, develop very qualified and competitive applications – and to help manage the project if granted and support the quality of the work processes and outcomes.
We primarily work in Erasmus+
The funding percentage of Erasmus+ projects in Europe was between 15 and 20% in the first period of the programme - depending on how you count.
Working with Europe's was 50% - no matter how you count!
In 2020 call was 100%.
Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock, and the door
will be opened to you.
It's not always easy to drive European projects...
But we are still enjoying it...